
创建:2017年6月30日|最后更新:2020年9月1日|类别: ,   |标签: ,

安吉尔·威尔斯96年 (左)和 Dr. 史黛西·莱恩,97年 在中央健康诊所. 两人从在华盛顿大学医学院读预科的时候就一直是朋友&和现在一起工作.


从她还是个孩子起,她父亲就告诉过她 史黛西·莱恩,97年 她会成为一名医生.

有时,她不确定如何才能到达那里. She was the second oldest of seven children growing up in the Crafton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Her father was ill, so her uncle, who lived a block away, often stepped in as a father figure.

Even though she struggled in high school, she grew more determined to pursue a career in medicine.

“这在很大程度上是由我肩上的压力所驱动的,”莱恩说. “我要证明所有人都错了,向他们展示我可以成功. 不管发生什么事,我都要当医生.”

她知道W&J had a good reputation for preparing students for medical school and decided to attend the College as a means to achieve her goal. 当时她每年的学费比她母亲一年挣的钱还多. 值得庆幸的是,莱恩获得了经济援助,使她能够进入W&有少量的自付费用.

车道, 第一代大学生, 我觉得自己在学术上没有为W大学的医学预科课程做好准备&但她努力工作,度过了难关. She felt the constant pressure of trying to succeed in her classes and achieve her goal of getting into medical school.

“对det365app来说,这不是一个聚会的时间,”莱恩说. “这是我一生中做过的最艰难的事情. W&J比医学院还难.”


在她上高三的时候,她的叔叔被诊断出患有艾滋病, 但他当时告诉家人是癌症. On a visit home during her freshman year, she discovered it was AIDS when she found his medication. 他于1995年因病去世.

The advantage of her challenging undergraduate years was that by the time she got to medical school, 她觉得准备充分,做得很好. 她去了伊利湖骨科医学院, 她在仁爱医院内科实习过吗, and completed a fellowship in infectious disease at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

During her time as an intern, 车道’s experience with the issues of the inner city paid dividends. She was able to empathize with her patients and understand where they were coming from and the issues they faced. This mentality translates well to her current practice where she serves the LGBTQ community and those at risk of contracting HIV.

She had been focused on HIV care during her time as the director of the Positive Health Clinic at Allegheny General Hospital and during her time at the Allegheny County Health Department. 她在俄亥俄山谷开了一家私人诊所治疗传染病, but wanted to start a clinic that would be better able to serve the several hundred patients she had been working with. Through her contacts she was able to find grant funding for an LGBTQ health clinic, 现在是五年期资助的第二年.


Central Wellness Outreach Clinic now serves nearly 2,000 patients in the Pittsburgh area. 车道 opened a second clinic in 华盛顿 in November after seeing a need to be closer to patients who were traveling from West Virginia or even further away.

While 车道 strives to provide her patients with an open environment where they are not judged for who they are or the choices they make, 这有时会让别人对她指指点点. The sign outside her clinic on the North Shore was defaced with hate speech last February.

“我不需要取悦任何人. I don’t have an obligation to anyone but my patients and to do right by them,” she said.

而莱恩在大学期间专注于学业, 她确实与一位同学建立了深厚的联系, 安吉尔·威尔斯96年.

“从我见到她的第一刻起,我就爱上了她,”威尔斯谈到莱恩时说. “det365app只是一拍即合。.”

车道 and Wells came from similar family backgrounds and similar neighborhoods which drew them together. 他们在医学预科课程的繁重课业中结下了不解之缘.

参加过的油井&J for three years before moving back to her hometown of Cleveland to help her mother with her grandparents who were ill. 威尔斯在网上完成了她的学位, and she and 车道 stayed in touch as 车道 pursued medical school and Wells shifted to the business of healthcare.

在完成工商管理学士学位后, 她获得了MBA学位,目前正在攻读博士学位.D. 在公共卫生方面,重点是社区卫生教育.

Wells started her own healthcare consulting company in 2015 after years working for various companies and as a consultant; she now handles billing for 16 different clients across several states covering a wide range of specialties. 她从事医疗编码工作近20年, translating medical information into codes which are used for billing and insurance purposes, 并且是一名经过认证的专业程序员.

Wells shares her knowledge of medical coding as an adjunct faculty member at Bryant & Stratton College in the Cleveland area and has taught at other institutions through the years.

“它每天都在变化. 规则、条例……法规每年都在变化。.

她把这归功于在W&帮助她在事业上取得成功. Her background in science and anatomy allows her to have a level of insight behind the codes that many in her field do not have. 当她和医生谈话的时候, 作为一个准备上医学院的人,她理解他们的工作.

威尔斯最近在匹兹堡庆祝另一个W的成功&朋友和同学. 她参加了莫里斯·克利夫兰·沃尔特斯多夫奖午宴 凯尼恩·邦纳,94年 今年3月,她和几位同行一起参加了这次活动. 邦纳和威尔斯都来自克利夫兰,虽然他们在W&J,他们在校园里一见面就一见如故. (有关邦纳的更多信息,请参阅第27页.)

而莱恩和威尔斯从未失去联系, as 车道 started her clinic she wanted to switch billing companies to someone she knew she could trust. Wells has been handling the billing and credentialing for 车道’s clinic since February 2016, 让两个朋友在日常生活中走得更近.

W的力量&J connection and the bond created between two pre-med students continues to thrive and enrich the lives of both women as they find professional success, 并影响宾夕法尼亚州的医疗保健社区, 俄亥俄州, 及以后.

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